Miya Guide Wallpaper, Mobile Legends.

Miya GuideMobile Legends Bang Bang

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Attributes Details
Role: Marksman
Attributes: Explosion/Damage
Lane Position: Gold
Playing Difficulty: Easy
Cost to Acquire: Gold: 10800$ | 399 Diamond
Tier List for Lane Rank
Gold Lane Tier List: B

Guide: How to Play Miya in Mobile Legends


Miya is a marksman known for her high attack speed and damage output. Although she is weak in the early game, she becomes a formidable force in the late game. Here's a strategy on how to play with Miya effectively:

Early Game

  • Focus on Farming: Prioritize farming to build your items and level up.
  • Avoid Early Team Fights: Miya is weak early on, so avoid unnecessary team fights until you have your core items.

Mid Game

  • Build Your Items: Focus on building attack speed and physical damage items to enhance your combat effectiveness.
  • Utilize Moon's Blessing: Before engaging in battles, try to stack Moon's Blessing to maximize your attack speed and damage.


  • 1st Skill - Moon Arrow (AoE Damage): Use this skill to clear minion waves quickly, push towers, and assist allies in taking down objectives.
  • 2nd Skill - Arrow of Eclipse (Crowd Control): This skill is great for slowing down enemies and initiating fights. Use it wisely to control the battlefield.
  • 3rd Skill - Hidden Moonlight (Escape/Engage): Use this skill to escape sticky situations or to engage enemies. It provides a movement speed boost and removes negative effects.

Passive Skill

Miya's passive, called "Moon Arrow," is a skill that makes her a formidable marksman. With each basic attack she performs, she gains an increase in attack speed for 4 seconds, stackable up to 5 times. Upon reaching the maximum stack, Miya summons a Moonlight Shadow with each basic attack, dealing additional physical damage to the target and nearby enemies. This passive effect allows Miya to deal significant area damage during combat, making her a threat to be reckoned with throughout the match. Additionally, the ability for Moon Arrow to inherit part of the attack effects makes her even more versatile in different combat situations.

Team Fights

  • Positioning: Always stay at the backline during team fights to avoid being targeted by enemies.
  • Focus Squishy Targets: Target enemy damage dealers and mages first to quickly eliminate threats to your team.
  • Use Ultimate Wisely: Miya's ultimate, Turbo Stealth, can be used to escape dangerous situations or to reposition yourself during team fights.

Split Pushing

  • Push Lanes: Use Miya's high attack speed to push lanes quickly and apply pressure to enemy towers.
  • Map Awareness: Keep an eye on the minimap and be aware of enemy movements to avoid getting caught while split pushing.

Mastering Miya skills

Miya is a powerful marksman in Mobile Legends, capable of dealing high damage and turning the tide of battle in your favor. By mastering her skills, itemization, and positioning, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

Miya's Strengths and Weaknesses


Late-Game Burst Damage Potential
Increased Movement Speed
Self-Cleansing of Negative Effects
Ability to Slow Enemies
Camouflage and Invisibility


Weak Against Crowd Control
Low Base HP
Dependent on Item Farming for Strength

Combo Tips for Miya

Combo 1: Slowing Assault

Start the engagement with Miya's Second Skill to slow down enemies, making them easier targets. Follow up with her First Skill for additional damage and then unleash a flurry of Basic Attacks to finish off the target.

Table: Combo 1: Slowing Assault
Sequence Executing Skills
1st Start with the Second Skill to slow down enemies
2nd First Skill
3rd Basic Attack

Combo 2: Sneaky Ambush

Use Miya's Third Skill to advance invisibly towards your target, catching them off guard. Follow up with her Second Skill to slow them down, then use the First Skill for additional damage before finishing them off with Basic Attacks.

Table: Combo 2: Sneaky Ambush
Sequence Executing Skills
1st Use Third Skill and advance invisibly
2nd Second Skill
3rd First Skill
4th Basic Attack

Combo 3: Strategic Advance

Initiate the attack with Miya's Third Skill to close the gap between you and the enemy. Follow up with her First Skill for damage, then use the Second Skill to further slow down enemies, making them easier targets for your Basic Attacks.

Table: Combo 3: Strategic Advance
Sequence Executing Skills
1st Third Skill to advance
2nd First Skill
3rd Second Skill to cause slowness
4th Basic Attack

Miya in Battles

Strong Against

  • Saber, Balmond, Layla, Bruno, Alucard, Angela

Hidden Moonlight, Miya's skill 3 can remove Saber's Ultimate debuff, making her an excellent marksman to use against Saber in the jungle.

Miya Counters

  • Natalia, Clint, Karina, Hayabusa, Fanny, Wanwan,

Miya Best Spells

Miya's optimal battle spell is Inspire, enhancing her attack speed significantly during combos and boosting her damage output against foes. This spell synergizes perfectly with her kit, allowing her to unleash devastating barrages of attacks. Additionally, Flicker serves as a strategic option, offering both escape potential from perilous situations and a means to reduce incoming damage. Reflect, on the other hand, presents itself as a viable alternative, particularly when confronted with sharpshooters like Melissa. This spell can effectively counter their reliance on basic attacks to deal substantial damage.

The choice of battle spell can greatly impact Miya's effectiveness in combat, shaping her playstyle to suit different scenarios. Whether opting for the swift and aggressive playstyle enabled by Inspire or the more tactical and defensive approach afforded by Flicker or Reflect, Miya players must adapt their strategy based on the battlefield's demands to secure victory for their team.

Miya Best Builds and Emblems

As a marksman, it is ideal for Miya to utilize a marksman's emblem to maximize her damage output. While some players may opt for an assassin emblem for jungle expeditions, this strategy is generally not recommended for Miya.

Miya with assassin Emblem MLBB MOBA
Miya with assassin Emblem, Mobile Legends.

Miya Guide Conclusion MLBB

In conclusion, Miya is a hero in Mobile Legends with great damage potential, especially in the late game. Her passive ability, Moon Arrow, allows her to deal area damage, making her a solid choice for team fights and pushing towers. Choosing the right battle spell and emblem can maximize her performance on the battlefield.

However, Miya also has her weaknesses, being vulnerable to crowd control and having low resilience. It is crucial for Miya players to maintain situational awareness and position themselves properly during battles.

With practice and proper strategy, Miya can be a dominant force on the battlefield, capable of dictating the course of the game and securing victory for her team.

Video suggestion

Video: Miya GamePlay in Mobile Legends.

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