Floryn Guide Wallpaper, Mobile Legends.

Floryn GuideMobile Legends Bang Bang

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Features Details
Function: Support
Attributes: Poke, Protection
Lane Position: Rotation
Difficulty in Playing: Easy
Cost to Acquire: Gold: $32000 | 599 Diamond
Tier List Rank
Tier List Rotation: A

Mastering Floryn in Mobile Legends: A Comprehensive Guide


Welcome to our guide on how to dominate the battlefield with Floryn in Mobile Legends! Floryn is a versatile support hero with incredible healing capabilities and crowd control skills. In this guide, we'll delve into Floryn's abilities, strategies, and tips to maximize her potential on the battlefield.

1. Understanding Floryn's Abilities:

Before diving into strategies, let's familiarize ourselves with Floryn's abilities:

Before diving into strategies, let's familiarize ourselves with Floryn's abilities:

  • Passive: Dew's Lantern - Dew's Lantern permanently increases Floryn's stats. Floryn builds up energy by hitting enemies with abilities, evolving the lantern. Share Flower of Hope with an ally in the base, granting a shield and movement speed boost.
  • 1st Skill: Sowing - Floryn throws an Energy Seed at an enemy, dealing magic damage and healing nearby allies. Evolved Lantern increases attack range by 125%.
  • 2nd Skill: Sprout - Floryn launches a bubble of energy, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit. The bubble explodes, dealing damage and stunning enemies in the area. Evolved Lantern increases blast range by 125%.
  • 3rd Skill: Flourish (Ultimate) - Floryn restores HP to all allied heroes twice, regardless of their location. Deals damage and slows enemies near healed allies. Evolved Lantern removes healing reduction effects and grants immunity.

2. Early Game Strategies:

Share Flower of Hope with a key ally in the base for added survivability. Assist the jungle in taking buffs and Lithowanderer for mana. Rotate with the jungle for ambushes in other lanes, focusing on teamwork.

3. Mid to Late Game Tactics:

Continuously rotate around the map to secure objectives like buffs, ambushes, kills, and turrets. Prioritize supporting teammates with heals and crowd control in team fights. Keep an eye on the minimap and your allies' health, ready to use Flourish to heal them.

4. Advanced Techniques:

Utilize Sowing to heal allies by hitting enemies, monsters, or minions. Use Sprout to stun enemies and set up plays for your team. Master the timing of Flourish to maximize healing and damage output in team fights.

5. Team Coordination and Communication:

Floryn excels with a coordinated team that communicates effectively. Coordinate with teammates for optimal rotations, ambushes, and objective control. Communicate cooldowns and intentions to maximize Floryn's impact on the battlefield.

6. Itemization:

Prioritize items that enhance Floryn's healing and crowd control abilities. Items like Enchanted Talisman, Fleeting Time, and Necklace of Durance can be effective choices.

Floryn Positives and Negatives

Positive Aspects of Floryn:

  1. Global Healing Ability: Floryn possesses the unique capability to heal all allies across the entire map, regardless of their location, making her an invaluable asset in sustaining team fights and keeping allies in battle.
  2. User-Friendly Gameplay: With straightforward mechanics and intuitive skills, Floryn is easy for players of all skill levels to pick up and master, allowing for quick adaptation and effective support in matches.
  3. Negative Effect Removal: Floryn's ultimate ability not only heals allies but also removes negative effects from them, granting crucial immunity and enabling allies to continue fighting without hindrance.
  4. Enemy Crowd Control: Floryn's crowd control abilities, particularly her ability to slow enemies with her skills, provide essential utility in controlling the pace of engagements and setting up advantageous plays for her team.

Drawbacks of Floryn:

  1. Team Dependency: Floryn's effectiveness heavily relies on the coordination and cooperation of her teammates. Without proper teamwork and communication, her impact on the battlefield may be limited.
  2. Low Defensive Stats: Due to her role as a support hero, Floryn often has lower defensive stats compared to frontline or tank heroes, making her susceptible to being focused down by enemies if caught out of position.

By understanding both the strengths and weaknesses of Floryn, players can optimize their gameplay and leverage her abilities to turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Floryn Combo Strategies

Combo 1

Table: Floryn Combo 1 Sequencing
Sequence Executing Skills
1st Use Second Skill (to slow enemies)
2nd Use First Skill
3rd Use Third Skill

This combo is effective for initiating engagements. Start by using Floryn's Second Skill to slow down enemies, making it easier to land subsequent abilities. Follow up with the First Skill for additional utility and damage, then unleash Floryn's Ultimate (Third Skill) to heal allies and apply crowd control effects to enemies.

Combo 2

Table: Floryn Combo 2 Sequencing
Sequence Executing Skills
1st Use Second Skill (to slow enemies)
2nd Use Third Skill
3rd Use First Skill

This combo focuses on maximizing crowd control effects. Begin by using Floryn's Second Skill to slow down enemies, enabling better positioning. Follow up with the Third Skill to apply additional crowd control and healing effects. Finally, use the First Skill to further support allies or deal damage to enemies.

Floryn in Battles

Strong Against

  • Carmilla - Cecilion - Rafaela - Luo Yi

Floryn Counters

  • Paquito - Nathan - Eudora - Kagura - Fanny

Floryn Best Spells

The optimal spells to complement Floryn are Sprint and Flirck, providing escape options from aggressive assassins. Alternatively, Flameshot serves as a versatile choice, capable of securing kills or creating distance to evade enemy ambushes.

Floryn Best Builds 2023

Floryn's itemization is one slot shy, attributable to the Lantern she shares with an ally. Thus, it's imperative to select the remaining items judiciously.

At the onset of the match, remember to generously bestow the Lantern upon an ally, cementing your bond from the get-go.

When deciding on footwear, tailor your choice to the adversary awaiting you on the battlefield. Consider Oracle boots for augmented restorative capabilities. Additionally, Rod of the Ice Queen stands out as a stellar selection, synergizing impeccably with Floryn's kit.

Floryn with Support Build MLBB MOBA
Floryn with Support Build, Mobile Legends.

Floryn with Support tank Build MLBB MOBA
Floryn with Support tank Build, Mobile Legends.

Floryn Guide Conclusion:

Floryn is a formidable support hero in Mobile Legends, capable of turning the tide of battle with her healing and crowd control abilities. By mastering her skills, understanding her role in the team, and coordinating effectively with allies, you can lead your team to victory on the battlefield. Good luck, and may the flowers of victory bloom in your favor!

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