Way of Nature Faction Event Tips and Strategies Hero Wars Alliance

Maximize your success in Hero Wars' Way of Nature Faction Event with expert tips on prioritizing rare hero Soul Stones, resource management, and event strategies.

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustration of Way of Nature Event from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters. - Wallpaper
Illustration of Way of Nature Event from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters.

Way of Nature Faction Event Introduction

Hero Wars Alliance is a game filled with excitement, challenges, and strategic planning. One of the most highly anticipated events in the game is the Way of Nature Faction Event, a three-day event centered around heroes of the Nature faction. During this event, players can earn event coins, unlock exclusive rewards, and focus on improving their Nature heroes. The event offers players the chance to collect Hero Soul Stones and other valuable resources to enhance their Nature faction teams, which are crucial for both PvP and PvE scenarios.

In this article, we'll explore tips and strategies for getting the most out of the Way of Nature Faction Event, including an overview of the Nature faction, advice on resource allocation, and the best ways to approach the various challenges and quests. By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to dominate the event and enhance your heroes to take on even the toughest enemies.

Overview of the Way of Nature Faction

The Way of Nature faction in Hero Wars is known for its versatile and powerful heroes. These characters excel in various areas, particularly in countering Progress teams, such as the popular combo of Julius, Juis, and Isaac (JJI). Understanding the strengths of the Way of Nature faction is crucial for building a competitive team, especially during the event.

Here are some standout heroes from the Way of Nature faction:

1. Mushy

Role: Magical Tank
Main Stat: Intelligence
Overview: Mushy is an exceptional magical tank, unique for being the only tank with Intelligence as the main stat. His ability to absorb damage and provide crowd control makes him invaluable against certain enemy teams.

2. Alvanor

Role: Frontline Support
Overview: Alvanor is a strong frontline support hero who thrives when paired with other Nature heroes. His synergy with the faction increases his power, making him a key player in Nature-based teams.

3. Mojo

Role: Support (PvE & PvP)
Overview: Mojo shines in both PvE and PvP, especially when paired with Jhu in Hydra battles. His crowd control and healing support make him a versatile and reliable hero for various game modes.

4. Yasmine

Role: Assassin
Overview: Yasmine is one of the best assassins in Hero Wars, capable of dealing massive critical damage. Her high damage output makes her a key component in many Nature faction setups.

5. Elmir

Role: Warrior
Overview: Elmir is a warrior with exceptional armor penetration and the ability to summon up to four clones at once. His versatility and damage make him an excellent addition to Nature teams.

6. Jhu

Role: Marksman
Overview: Jhu is an excellent marksman, particularly effective against Hydras when paired with Mojo. While he also shines in PvP, he does have counters, so players need to use him strategically.

7. DarkStar

Role: Backline Marksman
Overview: DarkStar is a reliable backline marksman who deals steady damage, particularly when used against enemy supports or squishy heroes.

8. Chabba

Role: Tank
Overview: Chabba is a tank with high armor who can swallow enemy tanks and regenerate health. His ability to disrupt enemy teams makes him a strong defensive option.

9. Thea

Role: Healer
Overview: Thea is an early-game healer who excels when synergized with the Nature faction. Her consistent healing makes her a great support in prolonged battles.

10. Kai

Role: Mage
Overview: Kai is a mage who excels at area damage and can throw enemies into the air. His passive vampirism also makes him resilient during battles.

11. Aurora

Role: Tank
Overview: Aurora is a tank with high dodge and the ability to deal magical damage to enemies. Her evasiveness and offensive capabilities make her a strong dual-role character.

Best Combos for Way of Nature Faction

For specific counters, particularly against the Julius, Juis, Isaac (JJI) combo, the standout Nature team includes Mushy, Alvanor, and Mojo. This trio excels at disrupting enemy formations and controlling the battlefield. In Hydra battles, pairing Jhu, Mojo, and Thea creates an incredible synergy for sustained damage and healing.

Soul Stones Rarity and Resource Management

One of the primary focuses of the Way of Nature Faction Event is the collection of Hero Soul Stones. Depending on the rarity of these Soul Stones, players must carefully prioritize which heroes to focus on during the event.

Rare Soul Stones

Mushy: Available only during events, Mushy’s Soul Stones are a rare and highly sought-after resource.
Yasmine: Found in the Hydra shop, but since Hydra coins are rare, careful management is necessary.
Alvanor: Obtainable from the Dungeon shop, but it’s generally more efficient to spend Dungeon coins on Titan items.
Jhu: Available in the War shop. For beginners, it’s recommended to prioritize War coins for gold and Titan potions. Investing in Jhu’s Soul Stones early on for a 3-star Jhu is enough to use him effectively in Hydras.

Medium Difficulty Soul Stones

DarkStar, Chabba, Kai: These heroes are available in game shops with less rare currency, making them easier to obtain. It’s advisable to focus on them later, after securing rarer heroes.

Easy Soul Stones

Aurora, Mojo, Thea: These heroes have easy-to-obtain Soul Stones through the campaign. If you’re still building your Way of Nature team, focus on these heroes first before shifting to harder-to-obtain heroes.

Resource Management Strategy

Focus on obtaining rare Soul Stones, particularly if the featured hero is one of the rarer characters. If the featured hero is not rare, prioritize items from the event shop instead of spending all your event coins on Soul Stones. It’s also important to manage your resources effectively by saving Emeralds and energy in the days leading up to the event so you can maximize your participation in the event’s quests.

Event Quests Overview

The Way of Nature Faction Event features a variety of quests that allow players to earn event coins, Hero’s Way points, and other valuable resources. Completing these quests efficiently is key to maximizing your rewards. Let’s break down each quest type and the best strategies for completing them.

1. Day After Day

Objective: Log in daily to receive event coins and Hero’s Way points.
Strategy: This quest is straightforward—simply log in every day during the event to claim your rewards. Make sure not to miss a day!

2. Value Exchange

Objective: Spend Emeralds to receive event coins, Artifact Coins, and Hero’s Way points.
Strategy: Focus on spending Emeralds wisely. If you’ve saved up Emeralds, this is the perfect time to use them to purchase energy, Outland chests, or other valuable resources during the event.

3. Energy of Evolution

Objective: Spend energy to receive event coins.
Strategy: Use your energy strategically by focusing on farming campaign missions that provide Hero Soul Stones or gear for your Nature faction heroes. If possible, save energy potions before the event starts to maximize your spending during this quest.

4. Generous Soul

Objective: Earn VIP points to receive event coins.
Strategy: VIP points can be earned by purchasing in-game packs. If you’re planning to spend money, wait until this event to maximize your rewards.

5. Secrets of Outland

Objective: Open chests in Outlands to receive event coins.
Strategy: Focus on opening Outland chests during the event, but make sure to save Outland coins beforehand to use during this quest. Aim to open as many chests as possible for maximum rewards.

6. Journey

Objective: Begin Expeditions to receive event coins and Hero’s Way points.
Strategy: Expeditions are a quick and easy way to earn rewards. Start them as frequently as possible during the event to accumulate event coins and Hero’s Way points.

7. The Way Up

Objective: Open chests in the Tower to receive event coins and Hero’s Way points.
Strategy: Save up your Tower coins before the event and use them to open chests. The more chests you open, the more event coins and points you’ll accumulate.

Final Tips and Summary

The Way of Nature Faction Event in Hero Wars is an excellent opportunity to bolster your Nature faction heroes and collect valuable resources. Here are some final tips to help you succeed:

  • Plan Ahead: Save your energy, Emeralds, and other resources in the days leading up to the event.
  • Focus on Rare Heroes: Prioritize rare Soul Stones and high-priority heroes like Mushy, Yasmine, and Alvanor. If one of these rare heroes is the featured character in the event, prioritize purchasing their Soul Stones from the event shop, as it is more accessible to obtain them with event coins. Unlike other Nature heroes whose Soul Stones can only be acquired randomly with Demondolls, featured heroes offer a direct and more reliable way to strengthen your team.
  • Complete All Quests: Maximize your rewards by completing as many event quests as possible.
  • Synergize Your Team: Utilize powerful combinations like Mushy, Alvanor, and Mojo for PvP, and Jhu, Mojo, and Thea for Hydra battles.

By following these strategies, you'll make the most of the Way of Nature Faction Event and set your team up for long-term success in Hero Wars.

Video suggestion

Video: Tips for Hero Wars Mobile Nature Awakening Event.(subtitles)

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