Best Heroes Guide: Campaign and Shops for Hero Wars Alliance

Discover the best hero investments in Hero Wars Alliance for beginners. Learn which campaign and shop heroes to prioritize to build a powerful team and progress faster in the game.

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustrated Illustrated Guide to the Best Heroes from the Campaign and Shops in Hero Wars Alliance in Hero Wars Alliance - Wallpaper
Illustrated Guide to the Best Heroes from the Campaign and Shops in Hero Wars Alliance

The Ultimate Hero Investment Guide for New Players in Hero Wars Alliance

Welcome to this comprehensive guide designed specifically for new players of Hero Wars Alliance. Whether you're just starting out or trying to refine your strategy, choosing the right heroes to invest in can be daunting. This guide will walk you through which heroes to prioritize in both campaigns and shops, helping you build a strong team that can carry you through various challenges in the game.

Understanding the Basics of Hero Investment

Before delving into specific heroes, it’s essential to understand the general principles of hero investment in Hero Wars. Your hero investments should align with your overall strategy, considering factors like the type of enemies you’re facing, your team’s composition, and the resources available to you.

Key Factors to Consider:

  • Hero Roles: Tanks, Damage Dealers, Supports, and Healers.
  • Synergy: How well heroes work together.
  • Faction: Different factions offer unique bonuses and synergies.
  • Campaign Progression: Some heroes excel in the campaign, while others shine in PvP or guild-related activities like the Hydra.

Campaign Heroes: Where to Start

Artemis: A Strong Honor Faction Hero

Artemis in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Marksman

  • Faction: Honor
  • Why Invest: Artemis is a solid investment for the Honor faction, though you won’t unlock her immediately. Once available, start farming her soul stones, as she’s an excellent damage dealer who works well in both PvE and PvP. Her strength grows steadily, making her a valuable addition to your team.

Astaroth: Your Go-To Tank

Astaroth in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Tank

  • Faction: Chaos
  • Why Invest: Astaroth is often the first tank you'll encounter in the campaign, and he’s worth every resource. His skill set is built around protecting your team, making him an excellent choice for beginners. He can resurrect an ally, effectively giving you a sixth hero in battles. This ability is powerful, though it’s countered by Morrigan, who can prevent resurrections. Still, Astaroth remains a strong, reliable tank and should be one of your first investments.

Ginger: The Progress Hero

Ginger in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Damage Dealer

  • Faction: Progress
  • Why Invest: Once considered a subpar choice, Ginger has seen a resurgence thanks to her utility in the Progress faction. With strong area-of-effect (AoE) damage, Ginger can help you clear campaign levels faster. Between Ginger and Keira, Ginger is often the better choice for new players focusing on the Progress faction.

Heidi: The Pure Damage Specialist

Heidi in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Damage Dealer

  • Faction: Nature
  • Why Invest: Heidi is highly valued for his pure damage output, which bypasses dodge mechanics. This makes him a great counter to heroes like Dante, Octavia and teams built around dodge abilities. Heidi’s role as a pure damage dealer makes him indispensable in certain matchups.

Helios: The Critical Damage Counter

Helios in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Support

  • Faction: Honor
  • Why Invest: Helios is great for countering critical damage teams, making him a top pick when facing crit-heavy opponents. If you often encounter such teams, investing in Helios can provide strong defensive capabilities and improve your team’s survivability.

Keira: A Solid Alternative

Keira in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Damage Dealer

  • Faction: Eternity
  • Why Invest: Keira is another viable early-game hero. Although Ginger might be more beneficial for a Progress-focused team, Keira is still strong, particularly when paired with heroes from the Eternity faction like Iris and Dante. If you lean towards an Eternity team, Keira is a good investment.

Phobos: The Mage Counter

Phobos in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Control

  • Faction: Eternity
  • Why Invest: Phobos is an excellent counter to mage-heavy teams. His ability to control and disable enemy mages makes him a valuable asset in both campaign and PvP. Compared to Cornelius, Phobos is currently the stronger choice, especially in the Eternity faction.

Mojo: The Best for Campaign and Hydra

Mojo in Hero Wars Alliance

Role: Damage Dealer, Healer

  • Faction: Nature
  • Why Invest: Mojo is highly effective for Hydra battles when paired with Jhu. Even at just three stars, both can contribute greatly to your guild. As they level up, their damage increases, and they can eventually deal significant damage to even Legendary Hydras without needing to be fully maxed out.

Campaign Heroes to Avoid (For Now)

While some heroes might seem appealing, they may not be worth your resources early on. Here’s a quick rundown of who to avoid:

Aurora and Galahad: Overrated Tanks

Aurora and Galahad in Hero Wars Alliance

Why Avoid:

  • Although they appear early and might seem like good tanks, Astaroth is generally a better investment. Both Aurora and Galahad require significant investment to be effective, which might not be feasible early in the game.

Fox: Wait for a Rework

Fox in Hero Wars Alliance

Why Avoid:

  • Fox doesn’t bring enough to the table compared to other heroes. Unless Fox receives a rework or significant buffs, it’s better to focus on other damage dealers.

Krista and Lars: Outdated Duo

Krista and Lars in Hero Wars Alliance

Why Avoid:

  • Once popular, Krista and Lars have lost their edge with the introduction of newer heroes like Kayla and Aidan. If you're considering a Chaos team, it’s better to invest in these newer options.

Merchant: Where to Spend Your Currency

As you progress, you'll earn currency from various shops. Deciding where to spend this currency is crucial, as it can significantly impact your team's strength.

Town Shop: The Value of Dorian

Dorian in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Dorian's vampirism ability makes him a valuable support hero, even at low star levels. You don't need to max him out his utility lies in his ability to grant vampirism to allies, which continues to work even after he dies.

VIP Shop: The Value of Andvari and Sebastian

Dorian and Sebastian in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Avoid spending on Andvari in the VIP shop. While he's highly effective against K'arkh teams, there are other counters available. Additionally, with the introduction of the tank class, Andvari has lost his value as a makeshift tank due to being a warrior. He also can't defeat K'arkh teams alone and requires a second tank.
Dorian and Sebastian in Hero Wars Alliance


  • A strong support hero, Sebastian is excellent at countering control teams. If you have access to him via the VIP shop, he’s a worthwhile investment.

Arena Shop: Prioritize Judge

Judge in Hero Wars Alliance


  • If you’re building a Progress team, Judge is your top picks. He offer great synergy with other Progress heroes and provide excellent support output. Prioritize Judge at Shop and farm Ginger in campaign.

Extra Tip:

  • Invest in Astaroth as a tank for the Progress faction while you work on obtaining Julius. Julius is the best tank for this faction, but his soul stones are hard to come by.

Highwaymen Shop:

Faceless in Hero Wars Alliance


  • In the Highwaymen Shop, the best purchase is Faceless, a hero who fits into any team and has great synergy, blending well with both physical and mage teams, in addition to copying the enemy's ultimate abilities.
  • After that, you can choose between Lilith for the Chaos faction or Satori for the Mystery faction. Avoid Cornelius for now, as Phobos is a better alternative and can be found in the campaign.

Tower Shop: Consider Dante and Orion

Dante in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Dante is a highly flexible hero who excels in dodge-based teams. In 2024, Dante remains relevant and powerful, especially when paired with heroes like Octavia.
Orion in Hero Wars Alliance


  • With the arrival of Folio, Orion has seen a resurgence in popularity. If you’re looking to invest in a mage, Orion is a strong choice, particularly in synergy with Folio.

Outland Shop: Be Selective

Avoid Investing Too Early:

  • The Outland Shop offers various hero soul stones, but it's often better to wait for events where you can earn them more efficiently. However, if you must invest, prioritize Jorgen, Luther, and Qing Mao, as they offer solid utility. In this shop, it's also advisable to prioritize purchasing large skin stone .

Dungeon Shop: A Long-Term Investment

The Dungeon Shop provides valuable resources, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the options. Here’s how to navigate it:

Titan Potions First


  • When starting out, prioritize buying Titan Potions. Titans play a crucial role in guild activities, and leveling them up early can give you a significant advantage.

Focus on Skins and Dust Later

  • Once your Titans are at a decent level, shift your focus to purchasing Titan skins and fairy dust. These items will help you enhance your Titans further, giving you a stronger edge in battles.

Dungeon Shop Hero Recommendations:

Corvus in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Ideal for Eternity teams.
Isaac in Hero Wars Alliance


  • A must-have for Progress teams, especially against mage-heavy opponents.
Alvanor in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Perfect for Nature teams, particularly when paired with heroes like Mojo and Mushy.

Grand Arena Shop:

Rufus in Hero Wars Alliance


  • The Grand Arena Shop is great, everyone. Rufus is a hero that doesn't need to be very strong to be helpful just getting him to Violet rank will make him effective enough.
Lian in Hero Wars Alliance


  • You can also focus on Lian, another hero who can provide good results even with low power.

Soul Stones Shop: Avoid Investing in Jet

Jet in Hero Wars Alliance


  • While Jet is a formidable hero, farming his soul stones in the Soul Stones Shop is excessively expensive, especially if you’re a free-to-play (F2P) player or someone who spends minimally on the game. Currently, Jet isn’t performing well enough to justify the high cost, offering too little for the investment. As an F2P or low-spending player, avoiding Jet should be a priority.

Itens to Consider:

  • Additionally, consider investing in EXP potions to quickly level up your heroes, providing a faster boost to your team’s overall power. Then, focus on purchasing orange equipment items to strengthen your main team.

Guild War Shop: Focus on Jhu and Nebula

Jhu in Hero Wars Alliance


  • Essential for dealing with Hydra bosses, Jhu should be your first purchase if you're focusing on Hydra battles.
Nebula in Hero Wars Alliance


  • A powerful support hero, Nebula can fit into almost any team, enhancing the damage output of your main damage dealer. She’s a must-have for any serious player.

Hydra Shop: Focus on Yasmine and Morrigan

As a beginner, managing your Hydra Coins can be tricky. Here's some advice:

Yasmine in Hero Wars Alliance


  • A top-tier assassin, Yasmine excels in critical damage teams. Investing in her can give you a powerful edge in both PvP and PvE content.
Morrigan in Hero Wars Alliance


  • If you're facing teams with resurrection abilities, Morrigan is invaluable. Her ability to prevent resurrections makes her a strategic choice against teams featuring Astaroth or Rufus.

Hero's Way Shop: Spend Wisely

Tristan in Hero Path Shop in Hero Wars Alliance

Tristan and Xe'sha:

  • Tristan and Xe'sha are excellent heroes to purchase, but the scarcity of Hero's Way coins and the abundance of useful items available make them a difficult choice for beginners, as they must decide between resources or their soul stones.

Focus on Essential Purchases:

  • The Hero's Way Shop offers rare resources, but they come at a high cost. Prioritize upgrading your heroes' star levels and only purchase items that will provide immediate, significant benefits.

Final Thoughts and Strategy Summary

As you progress through Hero Wars Alliance, your hero investments will shape your overall success. By focusing on key heroes from both the campaign and various shops, you can build a well-rounded team capable of tackling the game's many challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start with Astaroth: He’s your best bet for an early-game tank.
  • Ginger over Keira: Focus on Progress heroes early on.
  • Be selective in shop investments: Don’t spread your resources too thin; focus on heroes that will provide the most value to your team composition.

Remember, the choices you make now will have long-term effects on your gameplay. Choose wisely, and good luck!

Video suggestion

Video: Best Heroes to Invest in Early Game, Hero Wars Alliance. (subtitles)

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