The Best Faction Tier List, Hero Wars Mobile.

The Best Faction Tier ListGuide for Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .


In Hero Wars Alliance, understanding factions is key to maximizing your team's potential in battles. With six distinct factions - Eternity, Chaos, Mystery, Progress, Honor, and Nature - each hero belongs to one of these groups, bringing unique abilities and synergies to the table. This guide will delve into the importance of factions, how they influence gameplay, and provide strategies for building formidable teams.

1. Understanding Factions:

  • Each hero in Hero Wars Mobile belongs to one of the six factions.
  • Factions include Eternity, Chaos, Mystery, Progress, Honor, and Nature.
  • Factions provide synergies among heroes, enhancing their abilities and granting special bonuses when grouped together.

2. Leveraging Faction Synergies:

  • When heroes from the same faction are grouped together, they unlock additional bonuses.
  • For example, Julius, a tank from the Progress faction, boosts allies' attack speed by 10%. If paired with Ginger, also from Progress faction, the bonus increases to 20%.
  • Understanding these synergies can significantly impact battle outcomes, providing an edge over opponents.

3. Factions Various Combinations:

  • While grouping heroes from the same faction can yield extra bonuses, it's not mandatory.
  • Teams composed of heroes from different factions can complement each other effectively, enhancing both offense and defense.
  • Experimenting with various combinations and understanding each hero's strengths and weaknesses is crucial for building optimal teams.

4. Building Formidable Teams:

  • Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each hero within a faction.
  • Aim for a balanced team composition that covers essential roles such as tanks, damage dealers, and support.
  • Mix and match heroes from different factions to capitalize on their individual strengths and create synergistic combos.
  • Regularly reassess your team composition based on opponents and game updates to stay competitive.

5. Influencing Battle Strategies

  • Factions play a vital role in Hero Wars Mobile, influencing team compositions and battle strategies.
  • Understanding faction synergies and optimizing team compositions are key to success in battles.
  • Experiment with different hero combinations and adapt your strategies to outmaneuver opponents and dominate the battlefield.

By mastering factions and leveraging their synergies, you can build formidable teams capable of conquering any challenge in Hero Wars Mobile. So, assemble your heroes, explore their abilities, and lead your faction to victory!

Hero Wars Tier List - Featured Factions

In Hero Wars Mobile, the choice of heroes and their respective factions significantly influences battle outcomes. While aligning allies from the same faction can unlock additional bonuses, mixing heroes from different factions can also create formidable Hero Wars mobile best teams. Let's explore the tier list for each faction and the synergies they offer:

1st Path of Eternity

The Eternity faction has significantly improved recently, especially with Dante as a tank, forming high-value teams. Today, it is one of the most used teams in the Royal League.

Path of Eternity Tier List
Tier Heroes
S+ Dante, Octavia, Iris
S Corvus, Morrigan, Faceless, Phobos
A Keira, K'arkh

2nd Path of Chaos

The Chaos faction is among the top teams currently, thanks to the duo Kayla and Aidan. This pair forms various teams, including those with Tristan, Oya, and Astaroth as the tank, for example.

The Chaos faction has surged back to prominence, courtesy of new heroes like Aidan and Kayla. Aidan's synergy with heroes from various factions and substantial healing capabilities, combined with Xe'Sha's prowess, make for a formidable duo in Hydras and Arena battles. Here's the tier list for the Chaos faction:

Path of Chaos Tier List
Tier Heroes
S+ Aidan, Kayla
S Astaroth, Xe'Sha
A Cleaver, Lilith, Jorgen
B Dorian, Lars, Krista

3rd Path of Progress

Progress faction boasts exceptional synergy, particularly in creating team buffs with shields. Investing in this faction proves worthwhile as they are formidable opponents, typically only yielding to Nature compositions of comparable strength. Here's the tier list for the Progress faction:

Path of Progress Tier List
Tier Heroes
S Nebula, Julius, Isaac, Judge, Sebastian
A Astrid & Lucas, Ginger, Lara Croft
B Daredevil, Orion
C Arachne, Jet, Fox

4th Path of Honor

Recently, the Honor faction added the new hero Soleil. However, the best teams for Soleil have synergy with various factions and do not fit well with F.A.R.T. teams.

The Honor faction, notoriously represented by the F.A.R.T. acronym, poses a formidable challenge on the battlefield. Victory against these teams often hangs in the balance, with the diversity of counters varying based on the tank employed. Here's the tier list for the Honor faction:

Path of Honor Tier List
Tier Heroes
S Tristan, Fafnir, Luther
A Artemis, Helios, Soleil
B Galahad, Qing Mao
C Ishmael, Cornelius, Markus

5th Path of Nature

The heroes of nature are very strong and difficult to defeat. The combo Mojo, Alvanor, and Mushy and Shroom are particularly potent, serving as excellent counters for shield teams. Additional heroes such as Orion, Helios, Yasmine, Jorgen, Morrigan, and Dark Star can further bolster this combination. Here's the tier list for the Nature faction:

Path of Nature Tier List
Tier Heroes
S Yasmine, Oya, Mushy and Shroom
A Alvanor, Mojo, Dark Star, Chabba
B Jhu, Thea, Elmir, Kai

6th Path of Mystery

The Mystery faction is renowned for its strength, especially in Satori teams. Combos involving Amira, Faceless, Jorgen, and Martha further solidify their dominance, making victory uncertain for opponents. With the addition of Satori's new magic penetration skin, defeating these teams becomes even more challenging. Here's the tier list for the Mystery faction:

Path of Mystery Tier List
Tier Heroes
S Amira, Cascade, Heidi, Satori
A Ziri, Andvari, Celeste, Martha, Folio
B Lian, Rufus, Maya

Mastering the synergies

Joining allies from the same faction can yield extra bonuses in battles, but it is not a must. Several teams comprising heroes from different factions complement each other effectively, providing diverse and potent strategies for both offense and defense. Mastering the synergies between heroes and factions is essential for dominating the battlefield in Hero Wars Mobile.

Conclusion: Factions in Hero Wars Mobile

In Hero Wars Mobile, factions play a pivotal role in shaping battle strategies and team compositions. Each faction offers unique synergies and bonuses, encouraging players to experiment with different combinations of heroes to maximize their effectiveness on the battlefield. Whether it's the formidable tanks of the Honor faction, the shield-buffing prowess of the Progress faction, or the unpredictable nature of the Chaos faction, understanding and mastering faction synergies is key to success.

While aligning allies from the same faction can yield extra bonuses, it's not a strict requirement for victory. Teams composed of heroes from diverse factions can complement each other effectively, providing versatile strategies for both offense and defense. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial traits for players seeking to dominate in Hero Wars Mobile.

By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each faction and hero, players can develop personalized strategies tailored to their playstyle and objectives. Whether it's conquering challenging PvE content or climbing the ranks in PvP battles, a deep understanding of factions and their synergies empowers players to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious in Hero Wars Mobile.

For more information on Factions, visit: Nexters Hero Wars Alliance - Factions

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