Best Soleil Teams in Hero Wars Alliance

Explore the best Soleil teams in Hero Wars Alliance! Discover top compositions, strategic synergies, and effective counter strategies to dominate your battles with Soleil's exceptional support abilities.

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustration of Soleil Best Teams, a event from the game Hero Wars Alliance - Wallpaper
Illustration of Soleil Best Teams, a character from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters.

Hero Wars is a game that relies heavily on strategy, team composition, and the unique abilities of its heroes. Among these heroes, Soleil stands out as an exceptional support character. Soleil's abilities, which focus on debuffing enemies and protecting allies, make him an invaluable asset to many team compositions. In this blog, we'll explore the best teams featuring Soleil and delve into the synergies and strategies that make these teams powerful.

Soleil's Abilities

Soleil has four key abilities that make him a versatile and powerful support hero:

  • Curse of the Ancient God: This ability reduces the defenses of frontline enemies and transfers these reduced defenses to allies, effectively weakening opponents and strengthening her team simultaneously.
  • Halo Soleil: Soleil protects an ally from stun, blindness, and silence effects, transferring these debuffs to the enemy. This is particularly useful in countering enemy control abilities.
  • Mark of the Ancient God: This marks the central enemy, causing them to take damage whenever they use an ability. Additional damage is dealt if they use control abilities, making it a strong deterrent against enemies who rely on such skills.
  • Blessing of the Ancient God: Temporarily increases the physical and magical damage, as well as healing, for all allies in front of Soleil. The damage and healing boost is further increased for each control ability applied by enemies since the start of the battle.

These abilities make Soleil a formidable support hero capable of protecting her allies and disrupting enemy strategies.

Best Team Compositions Featuring Soleil

To make the most of Soleil's abilities, it's essential to pair her with heroes that complement her strengths and cover her weaknesses. Below are some of the best team compositions featuring Soleil, with a detailed look at each hero's role and synergy.

Team 1: Octavia, Aidan, Iris, Soleil, Dante

Synergy and Strengths:

  • Octavia provides physical and magical dodge buffs to allies and increases armor penetration every time allies dodge, ensuring that the team can avoid damage and strike back harder.
  • Aidan excels in healing and shielding, providing crucial support to keep the team alive during prolonged battles.
  • Iris debuffs enemies by weakening their magical defenses and deals massive damage based on soul charges, adding significant offensive power.
  • Soleil reduces enemy defenses, protects allies from control effects, and increases damage and healing.
  • Dante reduces enemy stats and provides dodge stats to all allies, enhancing survivability.

Analysis: This team excels in survivability and sustained damage output. The combination of dodge buffs, healing, and shields ensures that the team can withstand heavy assaults while maintaining constant pressure on the enemy. Iris and Dante provide significant offensive capabilities, making this a balanced and resilient team.

Team 2: Isaac, Soleil, Sebastian, Yasmine, Julius

Synergy and Strengths:

  • Isaac boosts physical attack and armor penetration, and provides shields to absorb damage.
  • Soleil offers protection and buffs, reducing enemy defenses and increasing ally damage.
  • Sebastian increases the chance of critical hits and adds pure damage bonuses for critical strikes.
  • Yasmine is a high-damage assassin with critical damage potential.
  • Julius acts as a tank, healing and protecting allies with his shields.

Analysis: This team focuses on high physical damage output and survivability. Sebastian and Yasmine's critical hit synergy ensures that the team can deal massive damage quickly. Isaac and Julius provide essential protection, while Soleil's debuffs ensure that enemies remain vulnerable. This team is perfect for players who favor a high-risk, high-reward strategy.

Team 3: Octavia, Iris, Soleil, Nebula, Dante

Synergy and Strengths:

  • Octavia offers dodge buffs and energy boosts, enhancing overall team agility.
  • Iris weakens enemy defenses and deals significant damage.
  • Soleil provides protection and debuffs, boosting ally performance.
  • Nebula increases the physical and magical attack of nearby allies.
  • Dante enhances survivability with dodge stats and reduces enemy stats.

Analysis: This composition balances offense and defense, with strong damage output and numerous buffs and debuffs. Nebula's attack boosts and Octavia's dodge buffs ensure that the team can both take and deal significant damage. Iris and Dante provide additional offensive power, making this a versatile and adaptable team.

Team 4: Helios, Soleil, Nebula, Ishmael, Cleaver

Synergy and Strengths:

  • Helios counters enemies with critical hit abilities, providing a safeguard against high-damage opponents.
  • Soleil debuffs enemies and protects allies.
  • Nebula boosts nearby allies' attack power.
  • Ishmael is a frontline warrior with high critical damage and vampirism, ensuring he can sustain himself in battle.
  • Cleaver is a tank that pulls enemies to the frontline, making them vulnerable.

Analysis: This team is designed to counter critical hit teams while maintaining a strong frontline presence. Helios and Soleil provide excellent protection against high-damage enemies, while Ishmael and Cleaver ensure that the team can hold the frontline. Nebula's attack boosts round out the composition, making this team effective against various enemy strategies.

Additional Teams

  • Octavia, Iris, Soleil, Tristan, Dante
    • Strengths: A balanced mix of physical and magical damage with strong survivability and debuffs.
    • Weaknesses: May struggle against highly specialized teams with focused strategies.
  • Fafnir, Artemis, Soleil, Tristan, Luther
    • Strengths: High physical damage with strong protection and buffs from Fafnir and Soleil.
    • Weaknesses: May be vulnerable to teams with strong magical damage or control abilities.
  • Aidan, Soleil, Kayla, Oya, Tristan
    • Strengths: Excellent healing and resurrection synergy with strong frontline damage from Kayla and Oya.
    • Weaknesses: Relies heavily on synergy, which can be disrupted by control abilities.
  • Martha, Soleil, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy and Shroom
    • Strengths: Strong magical damage and healing, with excellent tanking from Mushy and Shroom.
    • Weaknesses: May lack the physical damage needed to break through heavily armored teams.
  • Lilith, Xe’sha, Soleil, Jorgen, Cleaver
    • Strengths: Strong magical damage and debuffs with solid tanking from Cleaver.
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to teams with strong physical damage or high dodge rates.
  • Astrid, Isaac, Soleil, Judge, Julius
    • Strengths: High physical damage and strong protection with excellent debuffs.
    • Weaknesses: May struggle against teams with strong healing or magical damage.
  • Ginger, Isaac, Soleil, Judge, Julius
    • Strengths: Strong area damage from Ginger with excellent protection and debuffs.
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to single-target burst damage or strong control abilities.
  • Helios, Aidan, Cornelius, Soleil, Kai
    • Strengths: Strong counter to critical hit teams with excellent healing and protection.
    • Weaknesses: May struggle against teams with high sustained damage or strong physical defenses.


Soleil's abilities make him a cornerstone of many powerful team compositions in Hero Wars. By understanding the synergies between Soleil and other heroes, players can create teams that excel in various aspects of battle. Whether you prefer high-damage strategies, strong survivability, or a balanced approach, there is a Soleil team that can suit your playstyle.

Experiment with different combinations, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team, and find the perfect setup to dominate your opponents in Hero Wars. With Soleil at the helm, your team is sure to shine bright and emerge victorious.

Video suggestion

Video: Best Soleil Teams, Hero Wars Alliance.

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