Master Epic Heroes in Top Troops: Essential Guide for F2P Players

Discover essential strategies for Free-to-Play players in Top Troops. Learn how to maximize your epic heroes, build powerful teams, and dominate the battlefield.

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustration of The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Epic Heroes in Top Troops. - Wallpaper
Illustration of The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Epic Heroes in Top Troops, a game developed by Social Point.

The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Epic Heroes in Top Troops: Essential Strategies for Free-to-Play Players

Top Troops is one of the most popular strategy games in the mobile gaming world, offering a Free-to-Play (F2P) model that allows players to progress without spending money although there are some limitations compared to paying players. At the heart of this game are epic heroes, powerful characters who play key roles in your strategy and are essential for success.

This guide is tailored to help F2P players make the most out of their epic heroes, offering strategies on hero prioritization, team composition, talent development, and optimizing your resources for maximum effectiveness.

1. Starting Strong: Analyzing Your Initial Heroes

When you begin your journey in Top Troops, you will likely be given a set of basic heroes. These heroes may vary depending on the progression system, and your available roster will likely be determined by early summons, shards, and in-game rewards. Regardless of the heroes you begin with, it’s crucial to focus on maximizing their potential from the start.

Acquiring Heroes in Top Troops

Summoning Shards: As a F2P player, gathering hero shards through daily missions, events, and achievements is crucial. Consistency is key to accumulating enough shards to summon new epic heroes and improve your team’s strength.

Treasure Chests and Rewards: Top Troops often rewards players with treasure chests and other in-game items that contain hero fragments. Make sure to actively participate in special events and complete objectives to increase your chance of acquiring epic heroes.

Building Your Roster

Hero Variety: Each player will start with different heroes, so the key is to work with what you have. Take the time to assess the strengths of each hero in your initial roster and invest resources into those with the most potential to grow.

2. Hero Prioritization: Ranking and Leveling Up in Top Troops

In Top Troops, knowing which heroes to focus on can make a huge difference in your success, especially as a F2P player with limited resources. Prioritizing the right heroes for upgrades and rank increases will give you a stronger team overall.

The Importance of Ranking

Rank Five and Higher: Heroes who reach rank five or higher unlock the ability to level up to 200, significantly enhancing their health and attack stats. This progression is crucial for competing at higher levels in Top Troops, so prioritizing the ranking of key heroes is essential.

Skill and Talent Development: As heroes reach higher ranks, they unlock additional skills and talents. These abilities greatly influence battle outcomes, so focus on upgrading heroes whose talents provide the greatest synergy with your overall strategy.

Health and Attack Bonuses

Multipliers and Talents: Enhancing talents can multiply the effectiveness of a hero’s stats, such as health, attack, or special abilities. Heroes with skills that boost overall team performance should be prioritized when distributing resources.

3. Mastering Game Mechanics: Strategy and Hero Synergy

Top Troops goes beyond simple hero placement—understanding how to leverage the game’s mechanics and combining heroes strategically will give you the edge in battle. Here’s how to make the most of your heroes’ abilities.

Team Composition and Synergy

Hero Combinations: Certain epic heroes in Top Troops work better when paired together. For example, a hero with poison abilities may work synergistically with another hero who can amplify or spread that poison. Build your teams with complementary heroes to maximize damage output and effectiveness.

Countering Status Effects: Some heroes can use enemy status effects to their advantage. For instance, if an opponent applies poison or debuffs, certain heroes can absorb these effects and convert them into buffs, such as increased attack speed or damage resistance.

4. Recommended Epic Heroes for F2P Players in Top Troops

While hero availability varies from player to player, some epic heroes are consistently valuable across different setups. The following heroes are especially effective for F2P players looking to strengthen their teams.

Archers and Hunters

Archers (Hunters): These ranged heroes are critical in reaching enemy backlines, targeting support characters like healers that can prolong a battle. Their ability to deal damage from a distance makes them essential for any F2P strategy.

Electricians and Conductors

Conductors and Electricians: Heroes that deal elemental damage, such as electricity, are powerful assets. They can paralyze enemies, allowing your team to strike without retaliation. Their ability to spread status effects makes them highly valuable in long battles.

Golems and Tanks

Golems: As some of the most durable heroes in Top Troops, Golems have enormous health pools and can absorb damage for your entire team. Pair them with healers for an almost impenetrable frontline defense.


Healers: Every team needs a reliable healer. Their ability to keep your front line alive is critical in long engagements. Invest heavily in at least one healer to ensure your team can withstand heavy damage.


Trolls: Trolls are essential for adding sustainability to your team. They regenerate health during battle and, when paired with a healer, can outlast stronger foes. Developing multiple trolls can make your team nearly unstoppable.

5. Preparing for High-Level Play: Advanced Strategies for Top Troops

As you advance in Top Troops, you’ll need to develop more refined strategies to keep up with stronger opponents. Late-game success often depends on team composition, troop placement, and exploiting enemy weaknesses.

Strategic Placement

Troop Placement Matters: Proper placement of heroes on the battlefield is essential. Ensure your frontline tanks absorb damage while your ranged heroes and healers stay protected in the back. Poor placement can leave your key heroes vulnerable, reducing your overall effectiveness.

Creating a Defensive Wall

Defense Over Offense: In many cases, F2P players benefit from focusing on a solid defensive strategy. Tanky heroes like Golems or Trolls, paired with effective healers, can create a wall that allows you to outlast opponents with superior firepower but less endurance.

6. Testing and Adapting: Customizing Your Strategy

As you unlock more heroes and face new opponents, it’s important to constantly test different team setups and adapt to changing strategies. Your success in Top Troops depends on your ability to evolve and adjust.

Experimenting with Heroes

Try New Combinations: As you acquire new heroes, experiment with different compositions to see which setups work best against various enemy types. This experimentation can help you discover powerful synergies between heroes that you might have overlooked.

Learning from Defeats

Analyze and Adapt: Every defeat in Top Troops provides valuable insight. Take note of what worked and what didn’t, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Sometimes, small tweaks in hero placement or composition can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

7. Efficient Resource Management in Top Troops

Resource management is one of the biggest challenges for F2P players. To make the most of your progress in Top Troops, careful management of your shards, in-game currency, and upgrade materials is essential.

Completing Daily Tasks and Events

Maximize Rewards: Participating in daily events and completing missions consistently will help you accumulate the resources needed to upgrade your epic heroes. This will give you an edge without spending real money.

Focusing on Core Heroes

Selective Investment: Rather than spreading your resources thin across multiple heroes, focus on a core group of epic heroes. Prioritizing the development of a select few will allow you to maximize their potential and improve your performance.

Conclusion: Achieving Epic Success in Top Troops

For Free-to-Play players, success in Top Troops requires patience, strategy, and efficient resource management. By focusing on the right epic heroes, refining your strategy, and adapting to the game’s mechanics, you can build a powerful team capable of competing against even the most dedicated pay-to-win players.

From building a solid defense to leveraging status effects and maximizing synergies, the path to victory lies in understanding your heroes’ strengths and weaknesses. Keep refining your strategy, and with time, you'll dominate the battlefield without spending a dime.

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