Best Folio Teams in Hero Wars Alliance

Explore the best Folio team compositions in Hero Wars Alliance. Discover how to maximize the power of Folio's Ink Copy by leveraging the synergy with Mystery faction heroes, enhancing your team's energy gain and battle effectiveness

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustration of Folio Best Teams from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters. - Wallpaper
Illustration of Folio Best Teams from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters.

Folio Best Teams: A Comprehensive Guide

In Hero Wars Alliance, Folio is a powerful and versatile hero who excels in crowd control and magic damage. When paired with the right heroes, Folio can become an essential part of some of the most formidable teams in the game. Below, we analyze the best teams involving Folio, highlighting their strengths, synergies, and strategies.

1. Martha, Folio, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy

Team Analysis:

  • Martha provides healing and speed boosts to the team, which complements Folio’s crowd-control abilities.
  • Mojo adds extra magical damage, amplifying the team's offensive power.
  • Alvanor is excellent for boosting magic defense and shielding the team, making it harder for opponents to take down Folio.
  • Mushy adds additional control and disrupts enemy formations, which allows Folio to maximize the damage from its skills.

This team excels in magical offense and control, with Martha ensuring the team stays healthy while Folio and Mojo rain down powerful magical attacks.

2. Folio, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth

Team Analysis:

  • Amira provides protection against magic and critical damage, crucial against heavy-hitting opponents.
  • Celeste offers both healing and the ability to counter enemy healing, increasing the team's sustain.
  • Satori benefits from Folio’s energy gains, allowing him to activate his powerful abilities more often.
  • Astaroth serves as a resilient tank, protecting Satori and even reviving him if needed.

This team is well-rounded, with strong defense and offensive capabilities, particularly effective against magic-heavy opponents.

3. Aidan, Folio, Jorgen, Kayla, Astaroth

Team Analysis:

  • Aidan provides damage mitigation and crowd control, synergizing with Folio’s skills.
  • Jorgen is excellent for energy control, ensuring enemies cannot unleash their abilities too quickly.
  • Kayla adds additional magical damage, complementing Folio’s attacks.
  • Astaroth remains a solid tank, providing protection and revival for the team’s main damage dealers.

This team excels in controlling the battlefield and denying the enemy team the chance to retaliate effectively.

4. Astrid, Isaac, Folio, Judge, Julius

Team Analysis:

  • Astrid and Isaac work together to deal massive damage to the front lines, taking advantage of Folio’s crowd control.
  • Judge provides additional crowd control and shields, enhancing team durability.
  • Julius acts as a defensive wall, with high health and the ability to protect allies.

This team is particularly strong against teams that rely on grouped enemies, as Folio’s abilities align perfectly with Astrid’s pet Lucas, who deals significant damage to the front line.

5. Orion, Folio, Nebula, Maya, Astaroth

Team Analysis:

  • Orion benefits from the energy gains provided by Folio, allowing him to unleash his powerful abilities more frequently.
  • Nebula enhances Orion and Folio’s magical attack, ensuring they deal maximum damage.
  • Maya adds healing and additional magic damage, while Astaroth protects the team.

This team is an offensive powerhouse, focusing on overwhelming enemies with rapid and potent magical attacks.

6. Orion, Folio, Nebula, Maya, Rufus

Team Analysis:

  • Rufus is an indestructible tank against pure and magical damage, making him an excellent front-liner.
  • Orion and Folio deal significant magic damage, supported by Nebula’s buffs.
  • Maya adds sustain with her healing abilities.

This team is highly durable, with Rufus providing an almost invincible frontline while Folio and Orion handle the offensive duties.

7. Folio, Amira, Maya, Satori, Astaroth

Team Analysis:

  • Amira protects against magic and critical damage, making the team resilient against burst damage.
  • Maya provides healing, allowing the team to sustain through prolonged fights.
  • Satori gains energy from Folio’s abilities, enhancing his ability to deal damage.
  • Astaroth is the reliable tank, offering protection and revival as needed.

This team is well-rounded, with a balance of defense, healing, and magic damage.

8. Helios, Orion, Folio, Jorgen, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Helios counters critical damage teams while providing additional magic damage.
  • Ziri is a sturdy tank that can synergize well with Folio’s crowd control abilities.
  • Jorgen ensures enemy teams are starved of energy, preventing them from using their abilities.

This team is particularly effective against critical damage teams, with Helios providing countermeasures and Ziri tanking hits.

9. Lian, Folio, Celeste, Satori, Rufus

Team Analysis:

  • Lian puts enemies to sleep, leaving them vulnerable to Folio’s powerful attacks.
  • Celeste offers healing and counters enemy healing.
  • Satori benefits from the extra energy, increasing his ability to deal damage.
  • Rufus acts as the invincible tank against pure and magical damage.

This team excels in control and sustain, with Lian and Rufus providing excellent defensive options.

10. Martha, Folio, Celeste, Satori, Rufus

Team Analysis:

  • Martha enhances team speed and healing.
  • Celeste provides additional healing and anti-healing measures.
  • Satori becomes a significant threat with the extra energy gained from Folio.
  • Rufus ensures that the team remains standing against powerful magical attacks.

This team is highly durable and effective in longer battles, where healing and sustain are crucial.

11. Fafnir, Artemis, Folio, Andvari, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Fafnir and Artemis form a powerful synergy, with Fafnir boosting Artemis’s already considerable damage output.
  • Andvari and Ziri offer strong defensive measures, making this team difficult to break.
  • Folio supports with crowd control and additional magic damage.

This team is a great balance of offense and defense, with Folio adding an extra layer of crowd control.

12. Octavia, Folio, Heidi, Nebula, Dante

Team Analysis:

  • Octavia enhances energy gain through dodge, which works well with Folio’s abilities.
  • Heidi and Dante offer high dodge rates, making this team difficult to hit.
  • Nebula boosts the magical attack power of Folio and Heidi.

This team focuses on dodge mechanics, making it evasive and hard to counter, while still dealing significant damage.

13. Martha, Folio, Amira, Satori, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Martha boosts team speed and provides healing.
  • Amira and Satori combine to create a formidable magical offense.
  • Ziri acts as a durable tank, allowing the team to sustain long fights.

This is a mystery faction team that excels in synergy, with Folio enhancing the overall effectiveness of the group.

14. Octavia, Folio, Heidi, Dante, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Similar to the previous team, this one focuses on dodge mechanics with Heidi and Dante.
  • Ziri offers a strong defensive front, ensuring the team can evade and counterattack effectively.

This team is another variation of the dodge-centric strategy, with Folio playing a key role in crowd control.

15. Octavia, Folio, Heidi, Maya, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Maya adds healing to the dodge-focused team, increasing its longevity.
  • Heidi and Ziri continue to be key components, with Folio providing magic damage and control.

This team balances offense and defense through dodge mechanics and healing.

16. Cascade, Folio, Heidi, Maya, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Cascade works well within the mystery faction, adding to the overall synergy with Heidi, Maya, and Ziri.
  • Folio continues to offer crowd control and damage.

This is a strong mystery faction team, focusing on pure damage and dodge.

17. Folio, Amira, Heidi, Maya, Ziri

Team Analysis:

  • Another mystery faction team, focusing on maximizing the synergies between Amira, Heidi, Maya, and Ziri.
  • Folio remains crucial for controlling the battlefield.

This team is well-rounded, with strong control, damage, and sustain.

18. Lars, Folio, Jorgen, Krista, Astaroth

Team Analysis:

  • Krista and Lars form a powerful combo, dealing devastating damage when combined with Folio’s crowd control.
  • Jorgen and Astaroth provide the necessary defense and energy control.

This team excels in burst damage, particularly with Krista’s ice spikes and Lars’ push-back ability working in tandem with Folio’s skills.

The Importance of Mystery Faction Synergy with Folio's Abilities

Folio is a key hero in Hero Wars Alliance, especially when combined with other members of the Mystery faction. The true power of Folio's abilities, particularly Ink Copy, lies in the synergy with Mystery heroes. This synergy amplifies the overall effectiveness of the team, making them formidable in battle.

Synergy of Ink Copy with Mystery Heroes

Ink Copy is one of Folio's most unique and powerful skills. It creates a stationary copy of Folio, which inherits a portion of Folio’s Health, Magic Penetration, and Magic Attack. The strength of this copy is directly proportional to the number of allied Mystery heroes in the team. This means that the more Mystery heroes you have on your team, the stronger and more durable the Ink Copy becomes.

Increased Energy Gain:

The most significant aspect of Ink Copy is its ability to generate energy for your team. When enemies attack the Ink Copy, it grants nearby allies energy. This energy gain is crucial as it allows your team to use their ultimate abilities more frequently, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Enhanced Durability:

The durability of the Ink Copy is critical. With more Mystery allies, the copy becomes more resilient, absorbing more damage before being destroyed. This prolonged presence on the battlefield means that your team has a continuous source of energy gain, which can be decisive in long battles.

Mystery Faction Composition and Ink Copy Effectiveness

Building a team with multiple Mystery heroes not only strengthens the Ink Copy but also enhances the overall synergy of the team. Each Mystery hero contributes to the power of the Ink Copy, and the more you include, the greater the benefits:

  • Satori and Amira: These heroes, when paired with Folio, benefit greatly from the increased energy gain, allowing them to use their abilities more frequently. This can lead to devastating magical attacks that can overwhelm the enemy.
  • Heidi and Maya: Both provide additional support and damage, with Heidi benefiting from the energy boosts to keep up his pure damage output, while Maya can keep the team healed and sustain the battle.
  • Ziri and Astaroth: As tanks, they provide the necessary frontline defense, but they also benefit from the additional durability of Ink Copy, allowing them to protect the team longer while Folio's copy draws fire.

The more Mystery heroes you have, the stronger the Ink Copy becomes, and this results in a significant strategic advantage. The ability to quickly charge ultimates can lead to a snowball effect where the enemy team cannot recover from the barrage of abilities coming their way.


Folio’s role in a Mystery faction team is invaluable due to the exceptional synergy provided by Ink Copy. By maximizing the number of Mystery allies, you can create a team that is not only resilient but also capable of overwhelming opponents through sheer magical power and energy gain. The durability of the Ink Copy ensures that your team remains energized and ready to unleash powerful abilities continuously, giving you the upper hand in battle.

In Hero Wars Alliance, building around Folio with Mystery heroes can lead to a highly effective and strategic team composition. The combination of energy gain, durability, and magical power makes this strategy one of the most potent in the game. With careful planning and the right heroes, you can create a team that dominates the battlefield, leveraging the full potential of Folio's abilities to secure victory.

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Video: Best Folio Teams, Hero Wars Alliance.

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