Illustration of Royal League Map Hero Wars, developed by AI.
Illustration of Royal League Map Hero Wars, developed by AI.

Top 20 Hero Wars Defense Teams in Royal League

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .

Top 20 Common Defense Teams in Hero Wars Royal League - May 2024

Hero Wars Royal League is a competitive battleground where stronger players form teams of heroes to defend and attack. Understanding which hero combinations are performing best is crucial for success. In this tutorial, we will analyze the top 20 common hero defense teams for May 2024 and explore their win rates and compositions.

Top 20 Common Hero Defense Teams - May 2024

Rank Team Composition Count Win Rate
1 Yasmine, Dante, Morrigan, Sebastian, Octavia 42 9.52%
2 Julius, Tristan, Oya, Kayla, Aidan 30 16.67%
3 Chabba, Tristan, Oya, Kayla, Aidan 27 0.00%
4 Yasmine, Dante, Morrigan, Jorgen, Octavia 19 0.00%
5 Julius, Tristan, Kayla, Aidan, Fafnir 17 17.65%
6 Chabba, Tristan, Oya, Kayla, Fafnir 16 0.00%
7 Dante, Morrigan, Nebula, Amira, Octavia 13 0.00%
8 Dante, Nebula, Amira, Martha, Octavia 13 7.69%
9 Astaroth, Jorgen, Xesha, Faceless, Aidan 13 0.00%
10 Chabba, Tristan, Oya, Yasmine, Aidan 11 9.09%
11 Chabba, Tristan, Kayla, Aidan, Fafnir 11 0.00%
12 Dante, Morrigan, Mojo, Jorgen, Octavia 9 0.00%
13 Yasmine, Dante, Sebastian, Lara Croft, Octavia 9 33.33%
14 Chabba, Tristan, Oya, Yasmine, Fafnir 9 0.00%
15 Dante, Nebula, Cascade, Astrid, Octavia 8 0.00%
16 Dante, Morrigan, Cascade, Faceless, Octavia 8 25.00%
17 Tristan, Oya, Kayla, Aidan, Fafnir 8 0.00%
18 Julius, Astaroth, Yasmine, Sebastian, Isaac 7 14.29%
19 Julius, Oya, Kayla, Cascade, Aidan 6 0.00%
20 Julius, Astaroth, Yasmine, Sebastian, Aidan 6 0.00%

Step 1: Understanding the Table

The table above lists the top 20 hero defense teams based on their popularity and win rates. Each row contains the following information:

  • Rank: Position of the team based on the number of times it is used.
  • Team Composition: The heroes in the team represented by their names.
  • Count: The number of times this team composition was used.
  • Win Rate: The percentage of battles this team composition won.

Step 2: Key Observations

  • Popular Heroes: Notice which heroes appear most frequently. For example, heroes like Yasmine, Dante, and Octavia are seen in multiple top teams.
  • Effective Combinations: Look at teams with high win rates. For instance, the team with Yasmine, Dante, Sebastian, Lara Croft, and Octavia has a 33.33% win rate.
  • Synergy: Analyze why certain heroes work well together. Heroes like Tristan and Kayla are often paired, suggesting a strong synergy.

Step 3: Building Your Own Defense Team

Based on the observations, you can start crafting your defense team. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose Core Heroes: Start with a few heroes that have high usage and decent win rates. For example, Yasmine and Dante are popular choices.
  2. Consider Synergies: Ensure the heroes you choose complement each other. For instance, pairing Sebastian with Dante can enhance your team's performance.
  3. Experiment and Adjust: Use the insights from the top teams but feel free to experiment. Test your team in battles and make adjustments based on the results.

Step 4: Keep Updated

The meta in Hero Wars is constantly evolving. Regularly check updates and changes in hero abilities, and keep an eye on new top-performing teams. Staying informed will help you maintain a strong defense team.

By following this tutorial, you can build a robust defense team in Hero Wars Royal League, leveraging the successful strategies of top players. Happy gaming!


Understanding the most effective hero combinations in Hero Wars Royal League can significantly enhance the performance of your defense team. By analyzing the most popular compositions and their win rates, we can identify trends and strategies to improve our own teams. Remember, the game is constantly evolving, so it's crucial to stay updated with changes and adjust your tactics accordingly. By following the guidelines and observations in this tutorial, you'll be better prepared to form a robust and successful defense team. Good luck and happy gaming!

Video suggestion

Video: Top 4 Dante Tank Teams in Hero Wars Alliance | Royal League Strategies, Hero Wars.

Video: 7 Best Defense Combos in Hero Wars Alliance | Tips and Strategies.(subtitles)

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