Illustration of Sigurd, a character from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters.(Background Generated by AI) - Wallpaper
Illustration of Sigurd, a character from the game Hero Wars Alliance, developed by Nexters.(Background Generated by AI)

Guide to Titan Sigurd Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .

Main Attributes

Attribute Details
Position Frontline
Function Tank
Main Element Water

Tier List 2024

Usage Rank
Titan Tier List S
Dungeon Tier List S+
Synergy: All Titans, especially Water Element

Guide to Using Sigurd in Hero Wars Alliance

Sigurd is a Water element tank in Hero Wars Alliance, known for his top-notch defensive abilities. Even with new tank Titans like Rigel (Light element) and Brustar (Darkness element), Sigurd is still a great choice for both PvP battles and dungeon exploration.

Skill Overview: Icy Aegis

Sigurd’s Icy Aegis skill is one of the best in Hero Wars Alliance because it makes him completely immune to damage for 5 seconds. Even with new Titans, Sigurd remains a top tank for PvP and dungeons.

Icy Aegis Effect: Lifts the shield and becomes immune to any damage for 5.0 seconds.

When to Use Sigurd's Skill

Best used at key moments to block heavy damage or during enemy’s ultimate skills.

Manual Battles with Sigurd in PvP

Sigurd Dungeon Exploration

Sigurd is a must-have in dungeons, especially for farming infinite gold. Here’s why:

Sigurd Team Composition for Dungeon

For the best results in Dungeon with Sigurd, consider this team setup: