Titan Keros Guide Hero Wars Alliance wallpaper

Titan Keros Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Keros Hero Wars Main Attributes
Attribute Details
Position: Back Line
Function: Marksman
Main Element: Darkness
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Summoning sphere
Titan Tier List 2024
Ranking Tier
Titan Tier List A+
Dungeon Tier List: C

Strategy on how to use Keros in Hero Wars Alliance

Introduction to Keros Hero Wars:

Keros is a formidable titan, marking the debut of darkness titans in Hero Wars Alliance. With versatile skills tailored for both offense and defense, Keros shines in guild warfare and dungeon battles. His ability to bolster attack and defense against all elements makes him a valuable asset in any lineup.

Key Synergies:

Keros thrives when paired with other darkness titans, particularly Mort and Brustar. Mort's support skill, Curse of Darkness, temporarily channels part of his health and physical attack to boost allied darkness titans, amplifying their offensive capabilities. Meanwhile, Brustar's signature skill, Wormhole, not only shields him from incoming damage but also retaliates with damage based on his physical attack, turning enemy assaults into opportunities for counterattacks. Additionally, Keros synergizes exceptionally well with the Super Titan Tenebris, enhancing the overall damage output of the team.

Skill Breakdown:

Keros' Essence Burnout: This skill targets the enemy at the center, unleashing a devastating onslaught for 10 seconds. With each strike dealing 1,598,496 damage (180% ATK) in the designated area, Essence Burnout can swiftly turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Strategy Tips for Keros Hero Wars:

  1. Positioning: Keros strategically positions himself on the baseline to maximize his impact. His ability to strengthen dark-allied titans and unleash powerful attacks makes him an ideal candidate to lead the charge.
  2. Combo Attacks: Coordinate Keros' skills with those of Mort, Brustar, and Tenebris for devastating combo attacks. Utilize Mort's Curse of Darkness to empower Keros before launching Essence Burnout, amplifying its destructive potential. Follow up with Brustar's Wormhole to shield against enemy assaults and retaliate with additional damage.
  3. Target Selection: Prioritize high-value targets with Essence Burnout to swiftly eliminate threats and gain a tactical advantage. Focus on disrupting enemy formations and weakening key adversaries to tilt the balance of the battle in your favor.
  4. Adaptability: Remain flexible and adapt your strategy based on the battlefield dynamics. Keros' versatility allows him to pivot between offense and defense as the situation demands, ensuring optimal performance in various combat scenarios.

By mastering the art of utilizing Keros in conjunction with other darkness titans, you'll unlock the full potential of your team and pave the way to victory in Hero Wars Alliance. Harness his formidable skills, leverage synergies, and dominate the battlefield like never before.

Titan Keros in Dungeon

While Keros may not be considered a powerhouse in dungeon encounters, his utility shines in 5v5 titan battles within the dungeon setting, particularly when your other titans have depleted their health reserves. In such scenarios, Keros can step in as a valuable reinforcement, leveraging his unique skill set to turn the tide of battle in your favor. His ability to provide support and unleash devastating attacks makes him a versatile asset in overcoming challenging dungeon encounters, where strategic synergy and adaptability are paramount for success.

Positive and Negative Points

Keros Positive Points

  • Has artifact of increased damage to all enemies "Team Buff"
  • Area damage AoE
  • Marksman

Keros Negative Points

  • Has excellent defense but plays on the back line
  • It needs a lot of investment to stay strong

Stats Evolution Priority Keros Hero Wars

Keros Artifacts Priority

When choosing artifacts for Keros, prioritize acquiring the Seal of Attack to bolster his vitality and physical attack. Additionally, focus on leveling up the Black Star of Nephtis weapon artifact. This artifact proves invaluable as it amplifies the damage dealt by all allies against earth, fire, and water titans upon activation. This strategic enhancement significantly enhances your team's effectiveness in battles against these elemental adversaries.

Finally, invest in leveling up the Crown of Darkness artifact. This upgrade enhances Keros' prowess by augmenting his additional damage and defense specifically against fire, earth, and water titans. This ensures that Keros remains a formidable force to be reckoned with, capable of withstanding and delivering devastating blows to his elemental foes.

Titan Keros Artifacts Hero Wars Mobile
Titan Keros Artifacts, Hero Wars.
Keros Artifacts Priority
Priority Artifacts
1st Seal of Attack
2nd Dark Star of Nephtis
3rd Crown of Darkness

Keros Skins Priority

Keros has two skins: the Standard and the Primordial, both of which increase his physical attack. Since the Standard skin is free, it should be a priority to equip.

Keros Skins Priority
Priority Stats Skins
1st Physical Attack +196800 Default Skin
2nd Physical Attack +196800 Primordial Skin
Titan Keros Max Level Hero Wars Mobile
Titan Keros with Default skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Titan Keros Hero Wars in Battles


Keros, the titan of darkness, brings formidable strength and strategic prowess to battles in Hero Wars Alliance. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses is crucial for maximizing his effectiveness on the battlefield.

Titan Keros Battles Strengths:

  • Versatile Skills: Keros possesses versatile skills tailored for offense and defense, making him adaptable to various combat scenarios.
  • Darkness Element: His darkness element provides an advantage against specific enemies and allows for synergies with other darkness titans.
  • High Damage Output: With potent attacks and skill combos, Keros can deal significant damage to enemy forces.

Titan Keros Battles Weaknesses

  • Vulnerability to Certain Elements: Despite his versatility, Keros may struggle against specific elemental titans that exploit his weaknesses.
  • Limited Defense: While capable of dealing substantial damage, Keros may require support to withstand prolonged enemy assaults.

Titan Keros Strong Against:

  • Eden: Keros' darkness element grants him an advantage against the forces of light, making him a formidable opponent against Eden.
  • Araji: Keros' versatile skills and high damage output make him a strong contender against Araji, capable of neutralizing the threat posed by this titan.
  • Hyperion: With strategic skill usage and synergy with other darkness titans, Keros can effectively counter Hyperion's onslaught.

Titan Keros Counters:

  • Amon: Amon's elemental advantage against dark titans poses a significant threat to Keros, requiring careful strategy and support to overcome.
  • Solaris: Solaris' abilities can exploit Keros' vulnerabilities, making him a challenging opponent without adequate preparation and countermeasures.
  • Nova: Nova's stunning ability can pose a formidable challenge to Keros, requiring strategic planning and coordination to emerge victorious.

Strategy Tips for Keros Hero Wars:

  1. Synergize with Darkness Titans: Pair Keros with other darkness titans, such as Mort and Brustar, to maximize his effectiveness and capitalize on elemental advantages.
  2. Exploit Weaknesses: Identify and target enemy titans weak against darkness elements to leverage Keros' strengths and secure victory.
  3. Utilize Skill Combos: Coordinate Keros' skills with those of other titans to unleash devastating combo attacks and turn the tide of battle in your favor.
  4. Adaptability: Remain flexible and adapt your strategy based on the battlefield dynamics, adjusting tactics to counter enemy movements and capitalize on opportunities for success.

By understanding Keros' strengths, weaknesses, and effective strategies, you can lead him to victory in battles and establish dominance on the battlefield in Hero Wars Alliance.

Titan Keros Best Teams

Best Keros teams in Hero Wars Alliance
# Titans
1 Keros, Hyperion, Iyari, Araji, Angus
2 Keros, Eden, Iyari, Araji, Angus
3 Keros, Amon, Eden, Nova, Moloch
4 Keros, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Sigurd
5 Keros, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Moloch
6 Keros, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Angus
7 Keros, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Angus

titan Keros Guide Conclusion

In conclusion, Keros stands as a formidable force on the battlefield of Hero Wars Alliance. With his versatile skills, strategic prowess, and synergy with other darkness titans, he proves to be a potent ally capable of turning the tide of battle in your favor. By understanding his strengths, weaknesses, and effective strategies, you can lead Keros to victory against formidable foes and establish dominance on the battlefield. Embrace the darkness, harness the power of Keros, and conquer all who oppose you in Hero Wars Alliance.

Video suggestion

Video: Keros Guide Hero Wars Alliance.

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